The Ultimate Guide to Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs

Accidents and fatalities are common in our roads, and this isn’t something to smile about.  Mostly, they are attributed  to things like drunk driving, poor road conditions, driver fatigue and more. Faulty or poorly maintained vehicles are also a topic of discussion and pose serious safety risks to drivers and other road users. 

As a vehicle owner, it’s crucial to maintain your vehicle in perfect shape, conduct regular checks and have a professional mechanic fix any issues. . Proper maintenance is key to ensuring your auto stays in good shape and functions optimally. Regular checks and repairs will also save on repair costs and will avert severe damage early enough.

Here is a guide to vehicle maintenance and repairs:

  1. Go through the manufacturer’s manual

The first step to taking good care of your vehicle is to read the owner’s manual. It contains various guidelines and will equip you with vital information about your car. It will also offer other important information concerning your vehicle, which helps avoid costly blunders. It contains instructions on the vehicle’s maintenance schedule, tyre pressure, recommended oils and fluids and more.  

  1. The oil is critical- change it regularly!

Oil in a vehicle plays a significant role. It keeps the engine well lubricated, minimising friction on engine parts. Oil changes also dissipate heat from the engine parts, it also keeps off dust and dirt particles from the engine. Oil change also helps prevent corrosion of the engine parts.

Therefore, check the oil often and change it as required. Not doing so can result in engine damage, which affects the vehicle’s performance.

Moreover, ensure cleanliness in the battery to avoid corrosion. Check the terminal for signs of wear or damage, and replace a dead battery.

3.Maintian the transmisison

The transmission brings power to the wheels and ensures the efficient functioning of manual and automatic configurations. A well-maintained transmission helps avoid clutch slippage and breakdowns that can be inconveniencing during travel. Regular checks by the D Wells Auto technicians detect signs of damage, allowing for prompt fixes.

  1. Ensure the tires are inflated

The vehicle tire are key and can lead to inconveniences when driving, and not inflated  Inflated tires ensure better gas mileage and prolong the life of your car tires.  Check the recommended tirepressure from the owner’s manual, or discuss this with your mechanic.

Therefore, check the tire pressure at least once monthly. Also, check in case of temperature changes tyre pressure drops in snowy and cold weather. Also, check the pressure before going on a long trip or when carrying heavy loads.

  1. Examine the brakes regularly

Brakes are a vital aspect of your vehicle, and if faulty, they can mean serious repercussions. Have them inspected regularly, and replace the brake pads. If you notice odd sounds or vibrations when braking, contact a professional mechanic promptly. 

  1. Replace the car filters

You want to maintain the engine in excellent condition, and the air filters prevent dirt and dust from entering this crucial component of your vehicle. Dirty filters will affect your vehicle’s performance and can lead to engine damage. Therefore, replace the air filters as required. 

In summary, vehicle maintenance is vital and will ensure a safer vehicle on the road. Have it checked by a professional mechanic and enjoy safer rides!